Resources for Families
Need Assistance or Support?
Thanks to the generosity of several business partners, Park Street is happy to offer lots of support programs to assist families in need. Some of the services we provide are:
- Community Collaboration Room
- The community collaboration room is a space where parents can utilize internet and computer resources.
- Sign-up to receive monthly food pantry donations
- Get uniforms for students
- Get assistance registering a student for school
- And much more!
If you need immediate or additional assistance or support, please reach out to our school counselor, Dr. Jennifer Zimmerman, by email at and by phone at 770-429-3180 x7017, or our Parent Liaison, Elizabeth Martinez, by email at or by phone at 770-429-3180 x7022. We are here to help in any way we can!
Si necesita asistencia inmediata o adicional, comuníquese con nuestra consejera escolar, la Dra. Jennifer Zimmerman (, 770-429-3180 x7017) o con nuestra enlace de padres, Elizabeth Martinez (, 770-429-3180 x7022) para obtener ayuda. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar en todo lo que podamos!